Let me just inform you that Athens has two fashion weeks taking place one after the other twice per year, as most fashion weeks (single-week I guess) do. It’s Athens Xclusive Designers Week (AXDW) and Athens Fashion Week, being held 19-22/3 and 30/3-3/4 respectively. This means that we either have such a production in Greek fashion that cannot be included in one event, or that there is some kind of conflict behind it. It may also imply a difference in approach between the two fashion weeks. I think that AXDW is more thematic and international than Athens Fashion Week. Nevertheless, the good news about Athens Fashion Week is its opening – a stylish charity event with designer’s Dassios fashion show titled “Arabesque” on Wednesday March 30, 20.00 at Technopolis, Peiraiws 100, Gazi. There are front-row tickets at 50 euros and next-rows tickets at 30 euros, and the money will go to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. You can get your tickets from:
• Q productions, Kolokotroni 60, 4th floor, tel. +30 2103313004.
• JGK & Associates: Eforionos 17, Kallimarmaro, Athens, tel. +30 2107012517-19
• Dassios, Xanthou 7, Kolonaki, tel. +30 2109573582
• Technopolis, Peiraiws 100 Gazi (only Mar. 30, 19.00)
Athens Has Two Fashion Weeks!