It’s so impressive how celebrities’ evolving looks and fashionable choices affect consumers’ demand and direct it towards certain brands or even certain pieces. It was recently revealed through a Harvard Business Review study by NYU professor David Yermack that Mrs. Obama earned designer brands and the stores that sell them $2.7 billion from the 189 public appearances she made between November 2008 and December 2009. It’s almost unbelievable! At a more understandable rate, each public appearance she makes, equals plus $14 million for the designer(s) she is dressed and accessorized in. That’s a true blessing!
Όσοι ντύνουν διασημότητες όπως η Michelle Obama, έχουν μεγάλη τύχη. Πρόσφατη έρευνα του Harvard δείχνει ότι μία και μόνο εμφάνισή της, χαρίζει στους σχεδιαστές που την ντύνουν 14 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.