That’s the advantage standing models can offer you as a photographer. Many angles and views can be achieved since you have ample time to grasp the best and experiment according to the room’s special features and conditions. Monique Péan’s jewelry was presented in such a charming way that finally impressed most of the people. Quality craftsmanship and materials were highlighted even more, although the pieces were not that compatible with the futuristic setting – nothing classical, tribal or natural about it. Awarded by Vogue and supported by Tiffany’s CEO, Michael Kowalski, Monique keeps up creating hand-crafted, eco-friendly jewelry made of recycled gold, sustainably farmed pearls, natural shells, fossilized wooly mammoth and walrus ivory, as well as conflict&devastation-free diamonds. Inspired by her recent trip to French Polynesia and the works of post-impressionist artist Paul Gaugin, she transformed local artisans’ products into minimal, modern and wearable luxury items. Simple but sophisticated, naturally flowing from tradition and genuinely innovative, her pieces of jewelry, are what many women would love to see inside a little box offered by their “special someone”.
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Αγαπήσαμε πολύ τα οικολογικά κοσμήματα της ευρηματικής και ταυτόχρονα πολυταξιδεμένης Monique Péan που έχει αποσπάσει το CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund το 2009 και έχει ουσιαστικά ξεκινήσει την καριέρα της, ως σχεδιάστρια, το 2006.